Saturday, December 10, 2016

Freezing While Skiing

Winnipeg, Canada


This is my first ever blog, and I am so nervous while I'm typing this up. I am not even kidding. I am so sorry if I have any mistakes, but I am going to do the best that I can.

                                                                                                  x Sasha


I just went skiing outside for the first time, and it was SO. COLD. My fingers felt like they were ripping apart, even though I wore two pairs of gloves (1 pair of winter gloves and 1 pair of fall gloves), and my face was so numb, even though

I had a thick facemask on! But the rest of my body was completely warm. I fell down two times, but I was able to get up easily by myself. I couldn't really enjoy the time that I was skiing, because of the fact that my face and my fingers hurt, but in the end, I reminded myself that this was my first time skiing and that I need to find a way to keep myself warm. I didn't really find a way, because I thought that rubbing my hands were the solution, but I remembered that there were thick layers on my hands. I did try it, and it kinda worked. It just makes you warm like a little bit, I find that it doesn't work when you do it non-stop, and you will only feel it get warmer for a couple of seconds. But I really enjoyed skiing, even though it's not the best. I wish we could ski again, because this is one of the best experiences in my life.

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